Chief Seattle Speech Question Answers -
All questions and answers of chief Seattle.
Answer ki Duniya provides you all questions and answers and a summary of stories and poetry in my previous upload I uploaded a summary of chief Seattle.
1. Read the extract given below and answer the question that follows:-
Whatever Seattle says, the Great Chief at Washington can rely upon with as much certainty as he can upon the return of the sun or the seasons. The White Chief says that Big Chief at Washington sends us greetings of friendship and goodwill. This is kind of him for we know he has little need of our friendship in return.
(a) When and where was this speech delivered? Who was the Great Chief at Washington?
Ans- This speech was delivered in 1854 in the U.S Geoge Washington was the Great Chief at Washington.
(b)Write the main reason for delivering this speech. What is the mood of the speaker?
Ans- The main reason for delivering this speech was to maintaining peaceful existence between the white and the tribal people and for the rights of his tribe. The mood of the speaker is polite, offers, and conscious.
(c)How did the speaker exemplify that things are changeable?
Ans- The speaker exemplified by using the nature of the sky stands witness to the ups and downs in the lives of his tribe for the exam if today is fair tomorrow it may be overcast with clouds.
(d)What made the speaker utter the last sentence of the extract?
Ans- The speaker said so because he knew that they didn't need the friendship of the Reds but they offered to because they wanted to acquire the Red Indians' place.
(e)What has the White Chief offered? What does the speaker think of that offer?
Ans- The White Chief offered the tribe Red Indians to join their country the speaker thinks that it was a great offer for them.
2. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:-
Thus it has ever been. Thus it was when the white man began to push our forefathers ever westward. But let us hope that the hostilities between us may never return. We would have everything to lose and nothing to gain. Revenge by young men is considered gain, even at the cost of their own lives, but old men who stay at home in times of war, and mothers who have sons to lose, know better.
(a)The first sentence of the extract signifies that something has been continuing in the same way for some time. What was it?
Ans- The speaker was telling that the young men grew angry at a little of things. And he also tells about his old people who suffer in war as their sons got hurt in the wars.
(b)How has the speaker mentioned the fading glory of the Red?
Ans- The speaker mentioned that the Red was very powerful earlier but a time long since passed away they just had a mournful memory and they no longer remained powerful.
(c)What has the speaker said about the nature of the youth?
Ans- The speaker said that youth is impulsive and is very aggressive about wars anything at any cost.
(d)How have the pale-faced people behaved with the Red people? What was their motive in doing so?
Ans- The Whites imposed wars on the peaceful tribe of the Reds which resulted in the death of young men of the tribe. The Whites did so tiredly occupy the coastal lands.
3. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:-
Then in reality he will be our father and his children. But can that ever be?
Your God is not our God! Your God loves
Your people and hate mine! He folds his strong protecting arms lovingly about
the paleface and leads him by the hand
as a father leads an infant son. But, He
has forsaken His Red children, if they are His. Our God, Great Spirit, seems also to have forsaken us.
(a)Whom did the speaker refer to by 'father'? What has he done to the Red people?
Ans- The speaker has used the word 'father' for the president of the USA he has offered the Red people to give their land to Americans.
(b)What is the significance of the first sentence of the extract?
Ans- The first sentence of the extract is very significant because the president had assured the sad people to give them proper care and attention like a father if they surrender their land to the USA.
(c)Why did the speaker differentiate between the two Gods? Why, according to him, could their Gods not be the same?
Ans- The speaker differentiates between two Gods to show the racial hatred and partiality lied that time in the society.
(d)Why did the speaker mourn that the Great Spirit also had forsaken them?
Ans- The speaker (chief Seattle)mourns that the Great Spirit also had forsaken them because he wants to remind them about the poor and worst condition of Red people in comparison to white people.
(e)Who were the enemies of Chief Seattle's tribe? How did they harass his tribe? To whom did he look for protection?
Ans- The two enemies of Seattle's tribe are Haidas and Tsimshians they used to frighten the woman, children, and old people of the tribe. For their safety, he looks to American.
4. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:-
No; we are two distinct races with separate origins and separate destinies. There is little in common between us.
To us the ashes of our ancestors are sacred and their ratings place in hallowed ground. You wander far away from the graves of your ancestors and seemingly without regret.
(a)How did Chief Seattle conclude that were two distinct races? (your answer should include the materials given before this extract.
Ans- Chief Seattle concluded that they were two distinct races as God did so the God couldn't love the Red people, he always protects the Whites. He must be very particle. This reported these two races.
(b)What were the main differences between the two religions?
Ans- The Red people only follow the traditions of their ancestors while the religion of the whites was written on tablets of stone they dead the Whites never return after they passed away but the dead of the Reds returns to guide their loving one.
(c)How did the dead differ in their attitude toward their respective children?
Ans- The dead of Whites never return to their land as they passed away but the dead of the Reds return and never forget their land.
(d)How did the speaker eulogize nature in their country?
Ans- He described nature in a well-mannered way. He used verdant valleys, murmuring rivers, magnificent mountains, sequestered values, and verdant-lined lakes & bags.
(e)How did the speaker go on to refer to day and night in relation to the White and Red people?
Ans- The speaker gave an example that ''Day and Night cannot well together; similarly the White and Red people cannot well together due to their religious difference and hostilities between them.
5. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:-
Grim fate seems to be on the Red Man's trail, and wherever he will hear the approaching footsteps of his fellow destroyer and prepare stodgily to meet his doom, as does the wounded doe that hears the approaching footsteps of the hunter.
(a) Why and how was the fate of the Red Man's going to be grim?
Ans- The Red were becoming less in number and almost seemed to be destroyed because there was not any hope, they are destined for sadness and a grim fate.
(b)How do you find the tone of this speech? Account for your answer.
Ans- The speed is innovational, effective, and intellectual. It amounts to the tone of helplessness of the tribes.
(c)In spite of the great sorrow, there also is a tone of particality in the speech.
Ans- In spite of the great sorrow the speaker still was very practical, he gave this grim fate as a genuine fast that everyone would undergo, by giving a message-''Tribe follow tribe and nation
Follows nation. It is the order of nature and regrets is unless.
(d) What was the proposition from the White Chief and how would the Red respond officially?
Ans- The White Chief proposed that they would buy the land of Red Indians and provide a comfortable of to every Red Man and the Red Man would be agreed to this they would accept this proposal.
(e)Give examples of ecology as mentioned by Chief Seattle.
Ans- Chief Seattle mentioned the beauty of nature. He used verdant valleys, murmuring rivers, magnificent mountains, sequestered values, and so on.
6. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:-
Our departed braves, fond mothers, glad, happy-hearted maidens, and even the little children who lived here and rejoiced here for a brief season will love those somber solitudes and at eventide, they greet shadowy returning spirits.
(a) How does this extract show the love of the Reds towards their departed souls?
Ans- This extract shows that the Red love their departed ones they think that the departed souls return to their native lands to give blessing and to guide the Red people the Red Man know very well the sacrifice of the departed souls Chief Seattle asked perineal the Red to visit their sacred tombs of their amerture, friend and children.
(b) What does the speaker predict about the future when his tribe will be a myth among the while people?
Ans- Chief Seattle predicts when the Red Man of his tribe will have died and later when the whites grandchildren will walk these paths at night they will not be along.
(c) What arguments are advanced by Seattle to show that the God of the whites cannot be the God of the Tribals?
Ans- The Whites God loves his own people and protects them like a father. He is not the God of the Reds. If it turns that all have a common God, then he must be partial.
(d) What major difference in the approach of the Whites and the Red is pointed out by Seattle to argue that they are two different races or that there is little common between them?
Ans- Seattle speech in very inspectional and moral giving.
This speech shows the discrimination between the Whites and the Reds. It teaches us to be polite and peaceful even when the conditions are not in our favor. It connects us with the condition of America in 1854.
(e) Write about any three points made by the speaker that left an everlasting impression on you.
Ans- Seattle pointed that God must be very partial and the religion of the Whites was written on tablets of stone while the Red followed the traditions of their ancestors there is a major difference between that Whites and Reds.
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